Composite Bonding

This is a technique using composite resin to correct many aesthetic problems from colour to the shape of a tooth or to minimise gaps between teeth. Teeth which are chipped, cracked, or discoloured may also be concealed through composite bonding. Teeth that have been bonded look just like your own teeth.

composite bonding


How is it done?
Composite Bonding is a simple procedure. First, a solution is painted on the tooth enamel. A liquid resin is then flowed onto the tooth surface before a putty-like resin is sculpted on the tooth and hardened with a special frequency light to a durable finish. It is polished and smoothed to match your surrounding teeth. The bonding process can be reversible. Depending on the number of teeth involved, one visit of several hours is usually all that is needed and often no anesthesia is required.
How long does it take?
Composite bonding is a versatile one-step treatment which can be used to address a range of flaws in just one visit. The bonding material is applied to your tooth and sculpted to an ideal shape to cover or replace the problem area. Then it is polished for an ideal smile.

How long does it last?
Bonding is not as strong as veneers, it is less durable and more likely to get chipped or stained than other materials used in tooth restoration such as porcelain or ceramic. Bonding can last up to 5 years.